3.6.87 [Released - 2025-03-25 ]
Bug Fixes
- Typo in checkconflict script
3.6.86 [Released - 2025-03-25 ]
Bug Fixes
- tmpl=component needs to check for acym as well as acymailing in generating detail link
- Fix checkconflict script for overlapping event check in Joomla 5 sites with multiple language categories
- Do not show language in category name for filters when the category had the same language as the live language
3.6.85 [Released - 2025-02-20 ]
- Improved caching settings in modules to work better with page caching
Bug Fixes
- Avoid plugins being called multiple time when called from YOOTheme
- Fix for undefined limitstart in latest events module
- Include missing min.js files in package
3.6.84 [Released - 2025-01-15 ]
- Strict category language config option - When editing an event only offer categories visible in all languages or the current language in use when editing an event
- Allow enforcement of strict URL matching for id and title together in SEF matching to avoid URL guessing
- Improvements to SEF Urls for smart search results
Bug Fixes
- PHP 8.x deprecation messages
- Make sure dtstart and dtend are bigint to allow for far dated events
3.6.83 [Released - 2024-09-06 ]
- New multi-category filter for filter module
- Eliminate the need for Joomla 5 B/C plugin - but don't disable until the plugins that you use have all been update
- add TITLE_ADDSLASHES output option to layout editor
- reinstate rss icon which has been dropped by Joomla
- List views can now be configured to only show first repeat - useful for series of events that a user signs up for but can only sign up for the first one
Bug Fixes
- Eliminate a slew of PHP 8.3 deprecation errors
- Make sure redirection to event detail after save is a SEF enabled URL
- fix for next/prev event links on menu items with category restrictions
3.6.82 [Released - 2024-07-18 ]
- New config option for default behaviour of published filter in frontend admin panel
- Add category ID {{CATID}} as output field in layout editor
- Add support for legend plugin in year list views
Bug Fixes
- Fix for backend toolbar styling in Joomla 5
- Fix for frontend iCal Import on some sites where the SEF settings that caused the FROM target to redirect
- Better styling if iCal import on UIkit sites
- Fix for styling of filter module in bootstrap 5 sites
3.6.81 [Released - 2024-05-24 ]
- New Bootstrap 5 field output options for Filter Module
- New Mini-layouts for Event display - will be used in YooTheme integration of JEvents
- Most filter module fields now respect an auto-submit config option
Bug Fixes
- Fix for conditional display of date fields in latest events module
3.6.80 [Released - 2024-05-03 ]
- Add support for multiple conditions in latest events custom format string e.g. a!m for events that are all day but NOT multi-day events
Bug Fixes
- Make sure TITLE_LINK respecte module target menu item settings
- If 'none' editor isn't available fall back to codemirror
- Fix for UNTIL date exporting for RSVP Pro iCal invites
- Fix for JevDate class declaration to maintain compatibility for Joomla 3 - 5 and PHP 7.4 - 8.2
- Make sure gwejson plugin doesn't require Joomla 5 compatibility plugin
- Fix for router from plugin where the target menu item is icalrepeat.detail - we need to make sure the link is to the actual event and not the menu event!
3.6.79 [Released - 2024-03-12 ]
- Add support for calendar plus navigation with enhanced date output
Bug Fixes
- Fix for showon handling when using customised event editing pages
- Date picker fix for Joomla 5 dark mode
- Time picker fix for Joomla 5 dark mode
- Make link in iCal export an absolute URL
- Language fix for structured data requirement for managed people
- LDJSON is now output into the head as opposed to the body - was being removed by some 3rd party system plugins
- catch problem with finder cli methods in finder plugin and filters - code was assuming use in web interface only
- Category name is now translatable without the need for JEV_ in the name - just capitalised and translation existing is enough
- Fix for popovers in main calendar on Apple touch devices
- Editor sizing in layout editor
- Disable filter options when called from Joomla CLI
3.6.78 [Released - 2024-02-05 ]
- Better styling of category management page in Joomla 3
- Add support for x-alt-desc values in iCal import
- Add RPID and EVID output columns options for list view
Bug Fixes
- Trap bad IntlDateFormat value with informational warning message
- Remove use of JResponse class in RSS feed data source
- Fix colour picker in Joomla 5 dark mode
- Convert URLs in event description to absolute URLS in iCal export
- Avoid missing Trunactor class when ht_strlen is available
- Workaround browsers not allowing iframe about:blank URLs for empty pages
3.6.77 [Released - 2023-12-20 ]
- change rp_id field to bigint to allow for massive number of repeats or iCal updates
- Translations of layouts now styled as UIkit buttons
Bug Fixes
- Improve PHP 8.2 support suppressing dynamic class values warning
- Make uid index 190 chars long
- Change query for lists of events showing only one repeat to handle irregular repeats and exceptions better
- Fix URL export in iCals (had a stray space at the start which Google calendar no longer deals with)
- Fix for csv import where RRULE column is missing
3.6.76 [Released - 2023-12-06 ]
- Add time to modified information in event list view in the backend
Bug Fixes
- Joomla 5 without compatibility plugin - support for gwejson plugin
- Layout editing for sites without float theme
- Better hiding of unused extra config options from club addons in menu and module setup in Joomla 4 onwards
- workaround for bootstrap popover changes in Joomla 4.4/5.0
- Fix for long uid field index issue
3.6.75 [Released - 2023-11-27 ]
Bug Fixes
- Fix never ending prompt to update collation on some servers
- Fix list events view throwing SQL error when show no repeats it enabled
- Fix setting custom fields in filter module config - was applying all the filters even if only some were selected
3.6.74 [Released - 2023-11-17 ]
Bug Fixes
- Fix of installation issue with missing table in version 3.6.73
3.6.73 [Released - 2023-11-09 ]
Bug Fixes
- Fix for event editing and iCal export modal popups
3.6.72 [Released - 2023-11-08 ]
Bug Fixes
- Correct event management view list of categories per event when multi-category events are NOT enabled
3.6.71 [Released - 2023-11-08 ]
- Joomla 5 dark mode enhancements
Bug Fixes
- Catch situation, in event management view, where an event with no valid/published categories was causing the page to crash
3.6.70 [Released - 2023-11-08 ]
- iCal Export of irregular repeats is now supported - they are exported as a series of individual separate events
- Modal popups of images no longer use and IFrame and should resize to match the content where possible
Bug Fixes
- Fix installation issues in 3.6.69 release for new installs
3.6.69 [Released - 2023-11-07 ]
- Make sure new float options and timeline layout are supported
- Add support for preview images to illustrate layout options
- Add support for module specific theme option used in float theme
Bug Fixes
- Add root URI to failed calendar update notification emails
- Add new missing events email config option so that if link to an event doesn't exist and can't be found a specific message can be given to the visitor
- Add category information to the list of events view in the backend with links to a category specific filtered view
- Pass the matching module into the latest events module layout so that information from the module itself can be used in the layout - particularly important for float theme
- Fix for date iCal exports for exceptions where the first repeat has been changed following PHP 8+ strftime changes
- Make sure uid index has been removed if it was created previously - possibly throwing index length error message
3.6.68 [Released - 2023-10-10 ]
- Add ability to clean up orphaned latest events module custom layouts
- Let Float theme be used on more menu item types - day list, week list and month calendar
- Add notification to calendar owner if auto-update didn't succeed
Bug Fixes
- Include published state when fetching first repeat of events - the field is needed by some addons
- Skip collations update for RSVP Pro invitee list and jev_notifications tables
- Fix Selecting categories for ical export does only export the first category when using custom category separator - thanks to csporer
- Fix for Finder plugin throwing invalid date format when configuration has not been saved
3.6.67 [Released - 2023-09-26 ]
Bug Fixes
- Fix for collations update for servers with smaller limits on index length
3.6.66 [Released - 2023-09-20 ]
Bug Fixes
- Catch missing variables params and metadata during index - were throwing a PHP deprecation notice
3.6.65 [Released - 2023-09-15 ]
- Add warning to event admin users when database collations need updating and mechanism to perform this update. Needed to support emojis in event descriptions etc.
- Accessibility enhancement by ensuring modal popups have unique identifiers
Bug Fixes
- Further minor fix to popup calendar formatting
- Fix for plugin parameters not picking up default values in JEvents config causing deprecation notice when error reporting was enabled
- Fix for transaction date and hence transaction saving in RSVP Pro
3.6.64 [Released - 2023-09-12 ]
Bug Fixes
- Avoid php notices for passing null values to core methods like trim()
- Fix for missing onchange handler for calendar fields (caused by recent changes in Joomla popup calendar)
- New direct strftime to date output function
3.6.63 [Released - 2023-09-07 ]
Bug Fixes
- Fix event date editing for sites using D/M/Y date formats for dates beyond 12th of the month.
3.6.62 [Released - 2023-09-05 ]
Bug Fixes
- Fix getting start date in event list view throwing a PHP deprecation notice
3.6.61 [Released - 2023-06-29 ]
- fix for 00:00:00 added by electric calendar filter
- fix for date selector not responding to auto-submis config option in filter module
- add dbfix method to create missing columns if needed
- Do not display regex version of search when using a regex search
- do not call unixTime as a static method
- Fix for categories not being created if ignore embedded categories is not set (conditional config setttings/showon could cause this to happen)
- set max height and auto-scroll on category selector - workaround for problem from updated uikit
- Fix for date/time selector in calendar popup - used in custom fields and RSvP Pro
- Fix for importing custom field values in iCal files
- Fix for German date styling outputting %s when using PHP 8.3
- Make sure export form respects time limit plugin impact on menu item
- Customisable layout for JEvents Filter module - new config option in Filter module
3.6.60 [Released - 2023-06-29 ]
- New inline printing mechanism that doesn't use popup window - config driven
Bug Fixes
- Minor tooltip improvements for Bootstrap 5 in Joomla 4
- Change wording of filter button in list views from 'Search' to 'Filter option' to mirror Joomla 4 changes
- CSV Printing fix for some servers where the download size didn't match the size quoted
- A couple more strftime => date migration fixes
3.6.59 [Released - 2023-06-23 ]
- New inline printing mechanism that doesn't use popup window - config driven
3.6.58 [Released - 2023-06-13 ]
Bug Fixes
- Repackaging of 3.6.57 with correct version of custom UIkit
3.6.57 [Released - 2023-06-12 ]
- Config option to use custom css file in backend event editing
- Make iCal export URLs nofollow
- UIkit version update - needed for YooTheme sites when editing events
- Add optional use of icalimportkey for reloading anonymously
- Support for %b, %B and %h format in calendar fields
Bug Fixes
- Move more of strftime usage to date function
- Fix backend category list view filtering by level and published state
- Fix php notice in outlook export urls
- Fix php notice in outlook export urls
- Fix positioning of close icon in popup modals for BS5
3.6.56 [Released - 2023-05-24 ]
Bug Fixes
- Fix to strftime replacement function which was breaking some iCal imports generating invalid dates
3.6.55 [Released - 2023-05-05 ]
Bug Fixes
- Correct strftime function problem in version 3.6.54
3.6.54 [Released - 2023-05-05 ]
- Add support for {MODIFIED} date in event detail custom layouts
- New config option in Filter Module to auto-submit on all field changes
- Add support for date formatting in CREATED and MODIFIED output fields
Bug Fixes
- Fix for weekly event repetitions throwing bogus warning about overlapping repeats
- Fix for frontend iCal import in Joomla 4
- Stop showon being very slow for event title changes
- Remove use of PHP strftime as a function
- Fix for showon script to work in managed locations config
3.6.53 [Released - 2023-05-05 ]
- Add support for {MODIFIED} date in event detail custom layouts
- New config option in Filter Module to auto-submit on all field changes
Bug Fixes
- Fix for weekly event repetitions throwing bogus warning about overlapping repeats
- Fix for frontend iCal import in Joomla 4
- Stop showon being very slow for event title changes
3.6.52 [Released - 2023-04-19 ]
Bug Fixes
- Fix for import ical from URL in frontend in Joomla 4.x
- remove stray tooptip diagnostic message for Joomla 3 sites using custom tooltips
3.6.51 [Released - 2023-04-14 ]
Bug Fixes
- Fix stray \ being output by JEvents component
3.6.50 [Released - 2023-04-14 ]
- New Save as Copy option when editing events
- Add raw event link to output options in custom layouts
- Showon to respond to input events and not just change in text fields - will make event editing slicker
- Add support for importing custom fields via iCal files as well as CSV
Bug Fixes
- Fix background colour output in list views
- Make sure byday isn't set with week numbers for weekly repeats
- Remove full bootstrap framework loading - leave this to Joomla bootstrap class/functions
- Convert %Z to active timezone when using STARTTZ and ENDTZ field outputs
3.6.49 [Released - 2023-02-21 ]
- Add support for event counts by category in category view with links
- Mechanism to inject theme specific config options into module and menu item config
Bug Fixes
- Fix print icon in list views for uikit theme
- Use Joomla 4 pagination links in event and categories views in backend
- Better error message in if config option of custom field is broken in Joomla 4 e.g. caused by out of date plugin or missing field type definition
- CSV export in frontend no longer uses redirect to fix too small an item limit - helps on some servers which were not dealing with the redirect well
- STARTTZ and ENDTZ do not show date or time for all day or no-end day events
- Handle new class of menu item specific parameters used in some club themes
3.6.48 [Released - 2023-02-10 ]
- Option to check for self-overlapping repeats when saving event
- Pass category description through content plugins
Bug Fixes
- Force bootstrap modals to appear in frontend for template with bad javascript/css implentation
- Move publish event above edit in frontend dialog
- Fix for LD Json output in certain customised layouts
- Fix jump to in Flat theme
3.6.47 [Released - 2022-13-13 ]
Bug Fixes
- Fix saving weekly repeat events starting in January 2023 - was creating multiple repeats on the same day. The problem was caused by the week number for the first week in January being 52 according to ISO 8601
- DB execute instead of loadObjectList in onCategoryChangeState in content plugin. Was causing issue with unpublishing categories
- Fix for running maintenance on JEvents Finder plugin
3.6.46 [Released - 2022-12-20 ]
Bug Fixes
- Fix for iCal exports in Joomla 3
- Fix typeahead options e.g. for location search having transparent backgrouns in some templates
- Fix for clicking cancel when editing event from manage events menu item in the frontend - no longer shows 'nearest repeat' message
- Fix for missing LD+JSON meta data when using from customised layouts
- Fix for 'incorrect prefix key' on installation
3.6.45 [Released - 2022-11-09 ]
Bug Fixes
- Fix the way that we increased default length of location and contact fields to support imports from calendars where these fields are long - some servers reported that the index was too long
3.6.44 [Released - 2022-11-07 ]
- Make Bootstrap 5 popover pick up HTML content of tooltip and also event colours for headings
- Option to add prefix to iCal exported event titles - can be used to signify the source calendar
- Implement category specific event edit layouts making sure they pick up custom JS and custom CSS
Bug Fixes
- Fix category list syling for Joomla 4
- Joomla 4 stop using Itemid=1 for default mnu item in modules
- Fix Jumpto form link for non-club themes + Ruthin
- Fix for advanced module manager and new styling and JS functionality in administrator e.g. when selecting matching events or categories
- Move tab handling out of event edit page and into the layout processor - where were some problems with tabbed editing pages in some frameworks before this in Joomla 4
- Fix for users editing their own events when they can't publish them
- Increase default length of location and contact fields to support imports from calendars where these fields are long
3.6.43 [Released - 2022-10-28 ]
- Publish state in layout and layout translation editing now looks like a proper dropdown
- Add category colour styling to Joomla 4 category views in backend
- Popover font sizes increased in the backend
- Sites that have valid club codes can hide unused component menu items
- Direct links to jevents modules from backend menu system
- Use x-alt-descriptions to pass HTML versions in iCal exports
- Use font-awesome icons in latest events module layouts for Joomla 4
- Load Joomla font-awesome css in Joomla 4 in bootstrap mode
- Fully disable smartphone theme when installed
Bug Fixes
- Fix for language and category specific layout usage
- Fix for closing left menu bar in backend when in click mode
- Trap for unset core.create access groups
3.6.42 [Released - 2022-09-30 ]
- Enhance MS outlook export links
- Make enhanced calendar export layouts the default
- Improve latest events module query - subquery was not being optimised by MySQL
- New config option for disabling creating new categories when importing iCal calendars
- Customised layouts now support field replacements in custom CSS
- Date range menu item when used on a single date menu item e.g. for float theme no longer needs range_startdate and range_enddate to navigate
Bug Fixes
- Make sure ; is added to the end of addEventListener function calls - was causing problems for some javascript concatenation scripts
- Fix for cassiopeia template frontend header disappearing when editing events
- Fix for list checking for action buttons in backend
- Make dtstart a bigint to support historic events more than 100 years in the past
- Fix for static declaration if iCalRRuleFromDB
- Fix for modal library needed to support RSVP Pro ticket links
- Fix for typeahead library which breaks if the number of returned values matched the max to be displayed!
3.6.40 [Released - 2022-08-03 ]
- Finder plugin picks up images
- Improve style and functionality of iCal export menu item
Bug Fixes
- nodeList.forEach polyfill
- JustMine filter should be ignore when called in module which is configured to ignore filter module
- Catch blank catidsIn value in setupComponentCatids
- Improve handling of multiday events in day list views to mirror latest events module capabilities
- Fix for editing an event and changing a custom field value which then blocks the display of the event being edited
- Fix for finder in Joomla 4
- Remove usage of quoted-print1able encoding in iCal exports
- More popover fixes for event editing pages
- Monthly Week number selections now reflect date picked when creating events
- Fix weeknum initial setting in monthly repeat when changing frequency type
- Fix mini-calendar navigation for some iPhone
- Make sure modals work for old 'rel' based attributes e.g. in RSVP Pro ticket popup
- Fix for popovers not showing when editing JEvents menu items
3.6.39 [Released - 2022-06-24 ]
Bug Fixes
- Extend missing event finder handling to post save event redirection - if you changed the category of an event in frontend editing it may not be visible on the current menu item without this.
- New categories should not have category admin set by default
- Latest events module to take account of multi-day events starting before 'today' when searching the database when using display on first day only mode
- Catch repeat creation error where RRULE field had extra stray comma at the end e.g. +1FR,
- Make calendar label 200 chars by default instead of just 30
- Fix for modal event search when creating single event menu item
- Reduce use of javascript 'let' in frontend which caused problems for some old iPads
3.6.38 [Released - 2022-06-07 ]
- New config option to ALWAYS show left menu icons
- New JEvents filter option to use UIKit styling for form elements
- Add custom css option for filter module
Bug Fixes
- Correct showon for tabs in event editing in Joomla 4
- Fix showon for plugin parameters in JEvents config
- Support background - foreground contrast colours using 3 character hex colours
- Custom Event editing page was not picking up custom css or js
- Fix missing ob_start() in system messages layout
- Migrate module calendar navigation to native javascript
3.6.37 [Released - 2022-05-23 ]
Bug Fixes
- missing minimised showon file in 3.6.36 package
3.6.36 [Released - 2022-05-20 ]
Bug Fixes
- Fix event preview lightbox in backend
- Hide Club extension menu items if they are installed but the user is not authorised to use them
- Fix showon handling in plugin paramaters in main JEvents config
- Fix popup translation modals
- Force finder plugin use perma target menu item when set for event detail
3.6.34 [Released - 2022-04-29 ]
- Add save to MS Outlook/Outlook live links
- Allow Finder plugin to play well with hidden event detail plugin
- Switch loading of JEvents news to use Javascript XHR request
Bug Fixes
- Fix to conditional display of blocks when using field by field editing with zero tab event editing
- Fix for JCE editor not triggering test on empty required description field
- Trap for occasional bad PHP quoted_printable_decode problems on event importing
3.6.33 [Released - 2022-04-14 ]
- Stop using 'eval' in calendar navigation in mini-calendar JS
Bug Fixes
- Fix for modal javascript errors in release 3.6.31
- JS error in enddate change when start date is tested
- Add try/catch around sending admin emails to stop problems on sites with emailing disabled
- Fix for weekly repeat rule when sunday is selected and monday is first day of the week
- Typeahead library styling fix for UIkit templates
- Force Bootstrap to be loaded in Joomla 4 when bootstrap is the specified style in case the template isn't loading it
3.6.32 [Released - 2022-04-07 ]
Bug Fixes
- Fix for modal javascript errors in release 3.6.31
3.6.31 [Released - 2022-04-05 ]
- Add optional framework selection in JEvents to allow usage of appropriate modals and popovers - especially important in uikit templates to set this
Bug Fixes
- Joomla 4 placeholder fix for event title
- Include min JS files in package to make sure any stray ones are overwritten
- Fix for conditional custom fields during step by step event creation
- Switch parameter editing to use native Joomla showon
- iCal import modal z-index fix for uikit sites
- Fix for latest events module custom layout selector in Joomla 4
3.6.30 [Released - 2022-02-25 ]
- Add delete confirm message in manage events list views
Bug Fixes
- Extra check for isRepeat function to cover situation where freq = none
- Set data index for zero values correctly in gsl-select was seeing zero as empty and using -1 instead
- if using newfrontend interface or in tha beackend make sure we use gslselect for multi-select
- Hide external link icon in backend (Joomla 4.1 layout issue)
- Fix date select event for irregular repeats
3.6.29 [Released - 2022-02-18 ]
Bug Fixes
- Workaround for another irritating YooTheme Pro worker streams problem introduced in version 2.7.19
3.6.28 [Released - 2022-02-17 ]
Bug Fixes
- Correct package numbering
3.6.27 [Released - 2022-02-17 ]
Bug Fixes
- Workaround for YooTheme Pro worker streams for editing events in the frontend
- Clear plugin caches when saving parameters - to ensure changes in plugin settings take immediate effect
3.6.26 [Released - 2022-02-14 ]
- Add codemirror overlay to highlight fields when editing layouts
- Remove phoca admin menu in Joomla - positioning messes with JEvents
- Allow uikit tooltips to be used in Joomla 4
Bug Fixes
- Fix layout editing - badly constructed minimised JS files was blocking field selection
- PHP 8.1 check for array before imploding causes fatal error on non-array.
- Make latest events module target menu item strict, we shouldn't be able to select a non-jevents menu item for the target menu item.
- Check radio field exists before including it
- Dashboard panel to load language strings
3.6.25 [Released - 2022-01-21 ]
- Add Joomla 4 JEvents dashboard module - first cut
Bug Fixes
- Harden search query in backend list of repeats
- correct colours of icons for options in authorised user overview page
- PHP 8 fix for undefined constants
- Fix translation saving error on J3 with Action Log enable.
- BS5 doesn't load jquery by default so must explicitly load it
- Correct layout id in layouts overview
- Improved styling of event & repeat lists in backend
- Traps for jQuery not being loaded rather than throwing jQuery undefined errors
- Layout editing when only one category was defined was defaulting to specific category rather than all categories which could cause problems when new categories were added later
3.6.24 [Released - 2021-12-10 ]
Bug Fixes
- Fix modal editing in bootstrap 5 templates
3.6.23 [Released - 2021-11-30 ]
Bug Fixes
- Fix translations modals - typo in 3.6.22
3.6.22 [Released - 2021-11-29 ]
Bug Fixes
- Fix translations modals in J4
- Translations now use UIkit styling in backend and when enabled in the frontend
- Fix for bootstrap 5 tooltips
- Fix for Joomla 4 caching - there may still be javascript bugs due to bug in Joomla 4 - see https://github.com/joomla/joomla-cms/pull/36068
- Fix for event repeat exception editing in Joomla 4 caching
3.6.21 [Released - 2021-11-10 ]
Bug Fixes
- Fix for modal event editing in Joomla 4 for Bootstrap 4/5 sites
3.6.20 [Released - 2021-10-20 ]
- Add config option to enable uikit based popovers in main calendar - currently doesn't play well with YooTheme pro (go figure!)
Bug Fixes
- Ensure JEVHelper Is loaded and available for all club extensions that need it
- Fix for multilingual category associations for Joomla 4
3.6.19 [Released - 2021-10-13 ]
- New config option to allow showing of Joomla sidebar in backend - disabled by default
Bug Fixes
- Do not use uikit popovers when using YooTheme pro becaase it messes with default uikit behaviour and suppresses animation config options.
- Fix for saving custom layouts in Joomla 4 with PHP 8
3.6.18 [Released - 2021-09-30 ]
Bug Fixes
- editICalendar needs to be declared static for PHP 8
- fix Ajax mini-calendar updates in PHP 8
3.6.17 [Released - 2021-09-14 ]
Bug Fixes
- Fix for buttons in config view - problem due to changes made to support Joomla 4 :(
- php 8 compatibility changes
- Fix for 'cancel' button redirect when editing events
- Tooltip improvements for sites with UIKit templates
3.6.16 [Released - 2021-09-07 ]
Bug Fixes
- Fix for irregular date selector
- Allow sites with bootstrap completely disabled to use uikit tooltip instead of bootstrap popover
- latest events usort functions no longer pass $a and $b by reference - PHP 8 fix
- Set minimum height on gsl-select affecting multi-selects such as irregular dates
- Preceeding and following month links in calendar view show now be attempted if going beyond max year constraints
- Style changes to help with sites using jTicketing
- filter support for uikit based themes in frontend
- Ensure frontend iCalEvent edit laods jQuery for J4 support.
- Bump Joomla! Required version to 3.9
- Missing braces in published events filter when filter_value = -1
- Fix typeahead bundle js file to mirror twitter's changes
- Fix for multi-select gsl-select replacements which have optgroups!
- Fix return to Joomla! Link going to the frontend.
- Add empty string as default name if name isn't passed in as for PHP8 an optional parameter is deprecated if before a required parameter - PHP 8
- Remove white space on top of backend in J4
- Fix for calendar date picker in J4
- Clean up more orphan data when doing an import of an iCal
3.6.15 [Released - 2021-05-28 ]
Bug Fixes
- Make sure popover tooltips don't load bootstrap css if jevents config is NOT to load bootstrap
- Do not apply gsl-select styling to hidden select elements such as persons popup selector
- Force com_config to load in jevents instead
3.6.14 [Released - 2021-05-26 ]
- Use gslselect replacement instead of chosen where possible in event editing
- Added TZID as an custom layout field
- Add link to YourSites (when installed and enabled)
- Electric calendar can leave the date field blank now - needed for RSVP Pro coupon fixes
- Add option to merge 2 columns together in list views if they share the same heading
- Add support for Joomla custom field in the menu and to use our uikit wrapper
Bug Fixes
- Do not redirect to club addon components from component menu if they are not installed/enabled
- workaround for Joomla 3.9.26 breaking onchange handler for calendar fields
- Only load editicalGSL.js in frontend if not MSIE10 and new frontend editing is enabled
- Fix for double entry of irregular dates for date picker (workaround for bug in Joomla 3.9.26)
- Close previous modal when opening new modal from event edit modal
- Add custom repeat now adds it one day after the last repeat to avoid duplicate date/time check problems, it always uses the default detail id avoiding problems where the last repeat is an exception
- Work to support bootstrap 4 float theme and not to block bootstrap 4 modals
- Trap for situation where someone has deleted some default layouts
- Fix for boolean params not showing on some sites in the main config
- Fix for EXTRA INFO field not appearing in customised event editing layouts
- Set new default custom edit page to reflect new GSL Styling
3.6.13 [Released - 2021-03-17 ]
- Support for uikit or bootstrap modals based on JEvents config
- Allow more plugins to pickup settings in main parameters editing within JEvents
- Clean up our bootstrap methods (e.g. popover) and default to Joomla version when using J4+
- CSV import support for locked event
Bug Fixes
- Fix for translation of contact information field
- Joomla 4 fixes - modals styling, editor handling, remove setVar calls, router for month.calendar views
- AM/PM button toggle fixes for events as 12:00pm
- remove jquery from required fields checking
- remove J4 transitions causing flickers
- Ensure hide detail works with no layout editing
- Stop deleting locked events if they are no longer in the CSV file
- Modal resize to content of iframe in bootstrap
- Clean up admin menus to avoid occasional admin menu rebuild problems during extension upgrades
3.6.12 [Released - 2021-01-06 ]
Bug Fixes
- Make sure custom js and custom css from customised layouts are used in the frontend
- Rename functions used by content truncator to avoid clashes with other extensions that may be installed in Joomla
- Checking task not jevtask in modal URLs caused them to fail to load modals from within other modals e.g. when selecting location in popup event edit page
- Fix for AM/PM buttons highlighting when creating or editing events at 12:00pm
- Calendar popup button not working in event edit page
Older Changes
- JEvents 3.6.11
- Force popup edit options dialog to have opacity of 1 when shown
- Allow filtering event editing layouts by category
- Editing event using custom layout in some circumstances $params was not declared.
- Fix for display of child categories in legend module if root parent is is not 1 or 0 due to a bad historic site migration
- JEvents 3.6.10
- $app was not declared for isClient call when editing events with a custom layout for event editing with no tabs
- Fix for calendar icon in frontend event filters
- Escape commas in location field in iCal export
- JEvents 3.6.9
- When editing events with a custom layout make sure conditional custom fields still work with showon.
- Use min-height on left menu icons to cope with some bad backend template CSS
- Better tooltips for links to translate events
- Allow changing to category when editing layouts to make more intuitive
- Support stripping HTML tags from LD-JSON structured data
- Allow editing latest events module output in the layout editor
- Fix setting Alias on creating new categories if alias has not been set. i.e. Importing Events.
- Added AutoIncremental Fix on installation update
- Quick catch for null test event - when primary key has changed usually.
- Fix for tooltips style when editing JEvents config
- Add support for organiser, event status and online event details in LD-JSON Structured Data
- Fix for double domain appearing in LD-JSON structured data image paths
- Fix for showon of custom fields using block instead of flex display
- Disable showon animation which could cause chosen select elements to appear behind other page elements
- Fix for dynamic saving of user group permissions in JEvents config.xml
- New option to allow auto-printing from print button in event detail view
- JEvents 3.6.8
- Fix for custom css and js changes in layouts not being saved
- Added coloured support to state icon for calendars and custom layouts.
- JEvents config layout problems in some languages caused by double underscore in config.xml description attribute
- Only use UIkit modal in event/repeat editing when in the frontend.
- Fix for dynamic saving of user group permissions in JEvents config.xml
- New option to allow auto-printing from print button in event detail view
- Fix for showon of custom fields using block instead of flex display
- Disable showon animation which could cause chosen select elements to appear behind other page elements
- JEvents 3.6.7
- Make dynamic field appearance in event editing off by default - can be configured to on in JEvents config
- Update installation landing page
- Fix use of ArrayHelper
- Fix typo in $app->input for trashing / changing category state.
- Implement our own equivalent of Chosen in UIkit style - always used in J4
- Fix for search button styling
- Fix for missing JEventsHelper declaration when editing location categories
- Fix for required core event fields not showing * in labels
- Show on fixes for editing events
- Use UIkit based modals when frontend uses new editing style
- JEvents 3.6.6
- New configuration option to control the behaviour of the left menu in the backend of JEvents
- New configuration option to enable the fields to appear one or two at a time in the event creation pages to guide the user through the event creation process
- New configurable placeholder/hint for event title to be used then revealing fields dynaimcally in event creation pages
- Fix for iCal export when specific years are selected
- Fix to showon handling when event title has quotes or double quotes in them
- Fix for php notice in event legen module
- JEvents 3.6.5
- Fix JevRegistry functions for Joomla 4
- Fix popup event selection
- Router fix for iCal Event Export and event search
- Better explantion of cause when failing to delete an event
- Fix for incorrect check before deleting event which could lead to some event being impossible to delete in the backend
- Fix for touch screen behaviour of left menu bar in backend
- Remove stray BOM text from non-JEvents plugins that can interfere with backend layouts
- Catch problem with some event repeats with multi-categories not being editable because of catids being a string instead of an array
- Fix router problems with 404 errors when JEvents is the home menu item
Resolve php 7.4 notice
- Fix club theme radio button styling
- Fix filter module reset (some residual mootools javascript was missed)
- Relieve some flickering of left menu by not using uikit-navbar for left navigation
- New config option for left menu to allow response to click instead of hover or even not show the revealing labels at all
- Catch corrupted old event with missing repeates during delete to allow them to be deleted without a 403 error
- Hide showon elements by default before JS takes over to reveal as needed
- Fix iCal export when specific catid or year values are selected
- Fix calendar icon for date picker in old version of event editing
- Make sure php 7 is used before upgrading to JEvents 3.6+
- Added Today and Tomorrow support for event outputs
- Added Creator first and last name display values
- Added 'Alias' for default created category
- Fixed default joomla access level for fields
- JEvents 3.6.4
- correct string replacement in bulid process to stop "com august" appearing in language strings
- only hide the main page header in the backend
- Correct use of showon for date fields in event creation
- Allow JEvents to show 404 error when its the home menu item
- Correct JevRegistry so that in Joomla 3.9 JRegistry::getInstance will get the same class as JevRegistry::getInstance - fixes filtering of events using JEvents club addons prior to release of version 3.6.x of club addons
- Events List view- explicitly select the correct repeat from the group by query
- fixDtStart was breaking the start date output for some latest events module repeats
- Allow iCalExport to use secure webcals:// URL type
- Correct date formatting for output of all day events
- Restore menu page heading for event editing in new formatted editing
- JEvents 3.6.3
- Disable tooltips on left menu
- Fix active tab on customised event editing pages
- Disabled showon on customised event editing pages
- Load Mootools when editing menu item until new club addons can be released
- Move css and js files to frontend so they can be used in frontend for editing behind htauth protection
- Create our own version of showon which is delayed by 100 milliseconds to help avoid chosen issues
- JEvents 3.6.2
- Fix for auto-refresh setting being lost for calendars
- Google chrome radio field presentation - was vertical instead of horizontal
- Extra Info field name correction
- Reveal fields in event edit now working when using single category event setting
- field reveal should be based on catid and title in case we only have one category
- Fix for Chrome issues with chosen being triggered AFTER showon
JEvents 3.6.1
- Fix for missing icomoon font in some frontend templates
- Styling to category selector in frontend was truncated in some templates
- Remove use of JError (caused problem in Joomla 4)
- Missing $filter declaration in saving repeats in backend
- Stray . after calendar icon in frontend editing
- Missing edit_datetime_uikit.php in frontend repeat editing
- Suppress warning for events where ALL the repeats have been edited.
- Use JSON ENCODE as array for chart labels to avoid escaping problems
- JEvents 3.6.0
- New Style in backend and optionally when editing events in the frontend
- Ground work for Joomla 4.x support
- JEvents 3.4.57
- Fixes isssue with foreArrayToInteger warning.
- JEvents 3.4.56
- Fix CSV export for for list views
- Change settimeout call to pass reference to function instead of function string - was interpreted as a call to eval by content security policy settings
- Add ALLCATEGORIESSLUGS to layout editor - can be useful for setting class names in layouts
- Resolve PHP notice about assigning by reference
- Fix ical export offering HTML output if this has already been disabled
- Ical export bug when no categories selected for sites with multiple categories enabled
- JEvents 3.4.55
- Fixed triggerEvent to always pass array()
- JEvents 3.4.54
- Fixed php error on cached pages in 3.4.53
- JEvents 3.4.53
- Fixed editing single repeats - missing ev.ev_id column error
- JEvents 3.4.52
- Fixed saving events when multiple categories exist.
- JEvents 3.4.51
- Fixed to allow colour to be imported as X-COLOR in ical and csv imports
- Fixed to allow colour to be exported as X-COLOR in ical exports
- Added event creators user id output options in layout editor
- Fix to ignore category filter in calendar and latest events modules.
- add getMostRecentRepeat dbmodel method
- CSS fix for resizeable column headings
- timelimit fixes for finder plugin
- bootstrap 4 fix for modals not appearing
- Removed curl brackets from FROM queries ( ) for MariaDB 10.4 support
- Add tag / default loaded from template tag support for notification subject
- Finder plugin needs to save publish up and down times in UTC
- remove orphans from category mapping table automatically
- Add content plugin support for iCal Export
- Include Content plugins in iCal Export Event Descriptions
- Add round up Duration for event details {{DURATION_ROUNDUP}}
- Add a not empty check when building Category Select
- Added {{ALLCATEGORIES_CAT_COLOURED}} - List of categories, span wrapped and colour per category.
- Add allCategoriesColoured as a tag for Latest Events Module
- htmlspecialchars on $keyword before outputting it (to stop XSS)
- htmlspecialchars on event label in list of events (to stop XSS)
- fix for ignorecat filter
- implement getMostRecentRepeat
- Add new config option to allow NOT converting URLS in descriptions into links during import
- Add {{ISMUlTIDAY}} support.
- Added proxy check for ical URL. Thanks to sibelman
- Added additional object value catids which stores and array of the catids for multi-category support. Passed into the AfterSaveEvent so it can be tested / used in plugins.
- Fix include sub cat support for latest events module
- Fix iCalImport URL setting - regex needs - escaping
- JEvents 3.4.50
- Security fixes thanks to Hackmanit GmbH. Possible SQL injection in backend calendar editing, XSS in backend list filtering and frontend event searches - thanks to Hackmanit GmbH
- Catching sites that use LDJSON without upgrading standard images
- Re-Work category filter to follow Joomla! category filter, show published and unpublished. But hide if it is trashed or archived.
- Added more ordering options to the date range menu item, recently created ascending, recently edited ascending and descending first.
- JEvents 3.4.49
- Add support for structured data output as per https://developers.google.com/search/docs/data-types/event
- Language string and layout insertion for LDJSON output in event detail view
- Latest events module - option to ignore newline to br in latest events module config
- Fix to block showing trashed events to event creators in frontend admin panel
- Bootstrap 4 workaround for popovers
- Timelimit plugin wasn't being called in editing layout for event editing page
- Category Link in layout should go to category view! not week
- Allow club filters on manage events menu item type, users may want a specific page for X events.
- Add better support for Joomla note field type when editing parameters
- Fix for published filter when using admin panel in frontend
- Support custom js and custom css in layout editor
- Force end date same as start date if the event is anything but published in finder plugin to make sure its not indexed.
- Do not offer the apply button if the user is a guest.
- Added search by title and list limit filter for Repeating Events view.
- Remove broken file include JToolbarHelper is included by JViewLegacy
- Remove deprecated call to each in flat calendar.php
- Next repeat in JEvents backend list styling and language change
- Add in next repeat to timesheet where applicable, also show the timesheet to be the events actual time sheet.
- Child element should be centered too for bootstrap button styling
- Unauthorised ical reloads should throw a 403 rather than just an error message and home page redirect
- Fix for no-end time events not appearing when summer time ends
- Fix day view specific day selector for latest Joomla! calendar
- Format the background color cell as it is expected it outputs a colour not a hex code.
- Add config option to allow background color to be set for list of events view for each row.
- Improve date input selection and pre-select end date when creating events
- Added missing GWE Json language files
- Making finder indexing it's own to reduce overhead and only plugins which are needed have the function added.
- Finder Plugin - Call in customfieldsmultirow to get additional data for the events and support jevtimelimits start/end publish times.
- JEvents 3.4.48
- Fix for checkboxes in event editing in Joomla 3.8.12
- Add ACL control over which users can set event priorities
- Timezone fix for daylight savings impact on all day events in latest events module
- JEvents 3.4.47
- Add abiility to sort categories by drag and drop when creating events to set the priority - the primary category will be the first in the list
- Fix for event list filtering when canceling event creation
- Disable delays on popover to stop them flashing when the mouse is over the arrow on the calendar view
- Fix for modals appearing and disappearing instantly when editing events in popups
- Fix for irregular date picker where navigating the dates was causing dates to be picked as you webnt along
- Enable setting/saving of geolon and geolat in event edit - disabled by default
- Bootstrap 4 compatability changes
- Move setting of page title for event detail pages so Hidden Event Detail plugin can take effect
- Adding trigger to allow injecting view classes
- IOS 11.3+ scrolling issue on modals
- Enhance finder plugin to take account of publish date range
- Add CSV file pre-processor plugin hook so that non-standard CSV files can be accomodated with suitable plugin installed
- JEvents 3.4.46
* Fix for badly packaged version 3.4.45 - sites unable to create events with 'cannot unset string offsets' error message
- JEvents 3.4.45
* Bug fixes from 3.4.44 - correct issue with emptying trash, use old popup calendar for sites prior to Joomla 3.7.0, fix for category filter for multi-category sites where only one category can be selected
* Correct latest events module display of all day event on day where DST/Summertime starts
* Workaround for Joomla 3.8.x issue with popup date selectors - affects some sites on event editing and users of time limit plugin
- JEvents 3.4.44
* Authorisation check on save should check creator and editor permissions
* Fix for colour picker being compromised by Joomla settings
* Allow jomsocial group events plugin to be picked up in edit page layout editor
* No-op code added to Category filter that can be used by an override to force category filters to apply to ALL selected filters and ANY of the selected filters
* Workaround for lack of support for electric calendar in recent Joomla date picker update
* Category selector replaced with style category name if only one choice is available
* Allow date formatting in layout editor to use date() function syntax as well as strftime format
* Replace deprecated Joomla method calls
* Improved meta tag setting
* PHP 7.2 Support Changes
* Fix for setting published state in iCal and csv import
* Update code to current standards in installer
* Add default all day event tick selection
* fixed nonendtime default selection.
* Fix noendtime config option, was not working.
* column selector should show textarea to allow advanced configuration
* Fix for default category setting when changing calendar in event creation
* Fix for timezone problems when editing repeats of existing events
* Add ical and edit dialogs as options for calendar cell
* calendar module navigation needs to handle UTF-8 data
* csv export should allow all events to be output even if block show all is enabled
* iCal export wasn't using maxYear and minYear so DST transitions were not always output
* gwejson library needs to add slashes to the message
* EXT Theme Fix Legend to show categories names always.
* Ext theme legend width to auto so nothing is cut off.
* Fix for default category setting when creating new event
* Fix guest check, WE only want to show the message IF NOT guest.
* Fix for missing cal_day declaration in default layout
* Add additional param to getListQuery to allow setting if list or item
* Added filtering to iCalRepeat to be same as iCalEvent
- v. 3.4.43 fix for importing non-repeating events , allow notifications to be sent for events created in backend, fix for save/create button labels being reversed in frontend event editing page
- v.3.4.42 Reverse smart search plugin change in 3.4.40 (blocked saving of trashed events) pending review, fix for repeating event where specific timezone is set (times where not adjusted correctly when re-editing event).
- v. 3.4.41 Fix problem with iCal imported events not displaying in version 3.4.40
- v. 3.4.40
* Move Timezone input to before date/time on event edit page (where enabled)
* Add loc_id integer field to database for locations to improve performance of DB queries on large sites
* Improve irregular date imports
* Add location index to event detail table for performance gains
* Fix toolbar buttons in backend
* Use Inner join instead of left join for performance gains
* stray use of | instead of $separator
* Allow contact field to be truncated in latest events module
* no end time should default to 0 not ""
* Allow CDATA through template replacer - was replacing closing ]] with }} which was not good for Google
* Fix for Authorised Users not being able to edit own events when they hit the event limit.
* Added where clause to smart search plugin to only find published events.
* Modify input sanitization where the user has allowed raw.
* Make sure visibile filters check only is applied when using JEvents filter module or modules with filters in their params
* Added new default option for no specific endtime.
* Disable system messages for iCal Reloading when a guest.
* Added new custom layout tag: {{{Past or Future:PAST_OR_FUTURE}} to output text past or future depending if the event is in the past or future. Handy for CSS Classing.
* Set admin emails to run through the defaultloadedtemplate.php parser. This means tags used in the Event Details custom layout can now be used within the admin emails.
- V. 3.4.39 Added conditional check for J3.7.1 fixes, removed (int) conversions causing duration issues. Removed inline table styles on ext layout latest events.
- V. 3.4.38 Fixed saving issue.
- V. 3.4.37 For for checkbox and radio box required fields check
* Fix for no-end time events when editing specific repeats
* Added ability to select week start day within week view menu item to override the core selection.
* Code style improvements and deprecated class updates.
* Added published_fv to the publish/unpublish links within Manage Events View, this keeps the manage events filter state i.e. all events, published or un-published.
* Fixed issue with 504 Gateway timeout when saving on some servers, caused but using JRequest, replaced with JInput
- v. 3.4.36 Temporary workaround for bug in calendar date picker in Joomla 3.7.0, fix for toolbar styling in backend of Joomla 3.7.0
- v. 3.4.35 Joomla 3.7.0 compatability
- v. 3.4.34 * Latest events module option to show only repeating events
* Hardening of catid filtering
* New config option to allow dropping eventdetail from new SEF URLs for event detail
* Latest events module - option to not show any repeating events
* Correct confusing translations for years before and after now
- v. 3.4.33 * Fix for missing save buttons in frontend event creation, fix for missing custom css file for new installations.
- v. 3.4.32 * Use opacity to make unselected fieldsets on edit screen more obviously disabled
* Switch repeat types if grey boxes are clicked anywhere
* Correct getter method for undeclared variables
- v. 3.4.31 * Fix for modified column missing in the backend of JEvents and links to translations failing
* Add Permalink config option on event detail tab of JEvents config - all JEvents detail links can now be pointed to the same menu item regardless of the source
* Fix for uid column duplication during upgrades on some times
- v. 3.4.30
* Correct category image URL for sites with multiple categories but not all have images attached
* Add new JEvents getter plugin to allow plugins to push data into variables in a different way - needed for standard images update 3.4.9
* Layout customisation tool now inherits category specific layouts
* Added Global option as default for show all repeats option in Menu Items.
* Force default time and date fields to be integers (some people had used 8:00pm instead of 20:00)
* preserve published state when copying and editing event
* move generation of access list to access field definition - will allow default value to be set in template override now
* required fields check fix for radio/check boxes
* export 500 characters of event description instead of just 100
* menu item filters setting parent categories will not pick up events in child categories unless they are specified too
* Add option for date range view to show date as well as time in list presentation
* More robust check if event title is blank
* Add CATEGORY_ALIAS to layout editor
* Support for Joomla 3.7
* Language corrections
* Range views now always have a date column to the left. So tend not to need the date output again. This change is suggested by @BrianTeeman. Any users requiring the date and do so easily with the additional date string.
* Fixes issue where users not authorised to publish events auto-published new events.
* Added strings to .sys.ini for debugged permissions report.
* Fix for time offset applied twice when editing event in nonstandard timezone
* Translation support for edit tabs from custom fields
* Max year php_max_int constraint for annual repeating events
* Stop calendar mod direct links to event detail from including tmpl=component
* latest events process match to support formatting options from plugins
- v. 3.4.29 * Skip irregular repeats in iCal export, CSS typo in Flat theme, fix for extra_info tags being stripped in some situations, ass support for SITEBASE and SITEROOT in layout editor, fix UTF-8 characters in calendar tooltips, Fix installation error message from MySQL
- v. 3.4.28 * add warning about using EOL versions of PHP, workaround for sites running php 5.3 (there will be no more of these), flat theme CSS typo correction, fix stripping spaces out of extra info when saving events, add sitebase and siteroot tage to layout editor and latest events custom format string.
- v. 3.4.27 * fix for sites not using TinyMCE or JCE editors, problem in 3.4.26
- v. 3.4.26 * Fix for reseting date filters in date range view * New config option to show multi-day events first in day list view
* Trap for memory overflow on sites with 60,000+ event creators
* Performance gain - no need to check category access in db queries since we already do this in getAccessibleCategories
* Support for %k in duration in latest events module * Code to handle bad TZID from microsoft imports was affecting descriptions and other fields with colons in them - resolve this.* Make publish own an ACL setting
* TinyMCE required description workarounds * fix for required description field - changes in TinyMCE
* allow irregular repeats to occur more than once on the same day.
* allow day list view to use float theme
- v. 3.4.25 Fix layout replacement error in 3.4.24
- v. 3.4.24 * Fix conditional custom fields showon for event edit fields on first tab
* Force Itemid in check conflict script - some routers/SEF addons were dropping this
* Latest events module default custom format string \n were not being parsed in default value - replace with <br/>
* Foundation for publish own permissions in ACL - not implemented yet
* Warning message when RSVP Pro and RSVP are both enabled
* Enable category images in calendar cell and tool tip layouts
* Allow gwejson to pick up custom versions of scripts instead of released ones to preserve customisations e.g. use gwesjon_custom_finduser.php to replace gwesjon_finduser.php
* Added Category Link Raw to layout editor
* Added Option to include event detail link in iCal Export, added set default menu item id in Joomla! config under ical export for the time being since it's only used here.
* Add error checks to return to referrer on cancel code
* Sends user back to previous url on cancel of event editing.
* Added a more meaningful title to toolbar and browser bar for JEvents cPanel
* Fix for filtermap fields install problem on some servers
* Comma separated by*day fields need to have spaces stripped during save process
* Make hide author setting apply throughout JEvents
- v. 3.4.23 * Fix for problem in install script for version 3.4.22
- v. 3.4.22 * Fix for column selection in list menu item
* Fix for deleting first repeat of repeats when repeat id = event id
* Allow saving and reloading of filter module data - start of re-working of filter system
* Make column selection in list view menu item sortable
* use showon for range view date settings to improve usability of configuration
* Make sure filter module sets option to com_jevents in the form incase the target menu item is not a JEvents one
* Fix for router where task could appear twice if not translated
* Make filter choices in module parameters sortable by drag and drop
- v. 3.4.20 * Fix DB query for SELECT event used in editor plugins etc.
* Work around for some imported all day event data representations
* Reset category filter when cancelling ical calendar edit
* Check for duplicate calendar names when creating new ones
- v. 3.4.19 * Issue with anonymous event creator name/email not appearing in notification messages.
* New installer plugin to manage installation of club addons
* Fix on setting limits on lists that were ignoring the max count set in menu items
* Fixed parameter saving for plugins where value is an array
* Updated defaultloadedtemplate to generate the correct menu item links if the view datamodel contains a menu item for conisitency and custom datacalls.
- v. 3.4.18 * Change to GWEJson plugin to fix issue with RSS feeds for some users in Joomla 3.6.2 * Add message to warn user if they create a self-overlapping event * Add max event option for category list view * Alternative View Search, was falling back to default due to class extends default when it should be alternative
- v. 3.4.17 * Fixed missing $rand in email cloak code changes to compensate for Joomla changes
* Remove workaround for problematic cloaking code introduced in Joomla 3.6.1 but then removed in 3.6.2
* Fixed group by issue arising from managed locations that cause some iCal exports to pick up the wrong start date
* Add config option for event list view to output events as a CSV File
- v. 3.1.16 * Fix for backend filtering of events by creator from 3.4.15
* workaround for cloaking change in Joomla 3.6.1
* upgrade isEventEditor method to take account of users who can only edit in specific categories
- v. 3.4.15 * Missing $rand in email cloak code
* re-instate filter of events created by unlogged in users in backend list of events
- v. 3.4.14 * Add latest events option to show most recently modified events
* More control options for notification messages for new events
* Fix for TinyMCE editor issue arising in Joomla 3.6.0
* Fix for router issue where tasks has a hyphen in their translations
* Fix for editing from an event detail popup and hitting close or save and close
* Fix for updating JEvents translations using Joomla Updater
* Fix for multiple instances of cloaked email within the same event detail page
* Add configuration options for icons to show on iCal export menu item
* Better scollable typeahead results
* Calendar popovers appear after 150milisecs to avoid lots appearing at once
* add chevrons and info icons to plugin configuration
* Fix duplicated output in flat theme date range view.
* Let category link in latest events module respect target menu item is using ${CATEGORYLNK}
* Enable configuration of all JEvents plugins via the main JEvents config/params page
* Allow filtering of all published JEvents layouts i.e. without need to check all the categories in turn
* Fix for jevFilter constructor names
* DTSTAMP for export of repeat exceptions should not have timezone in it
* Allow list of events view to be ordered with more choices
* Installer message when updating using Joomla updater was not being shown
* SMore flexibility on countdown output in latest events module
* Updated the google export to support http and https replacing to webcal://, fixes invalid email address issue when adding to google calendar.
* Updated constructor classes for PHP7 to avoid deprecated notices.
* Migrated from deprecated JApplication::stringURLSafe to JApplicationHelper::stringURLSafe
* Fixed Next and Previous repeat navigation in pop-ups. Previously the whole template was being loading within a modal when click next or previous repeat.
* Updated hardcoded english for iCal Repeat Deleted and iCal Repeats Deleted.
* Fixed undefined variable within iCalRepeat on redirect.
* Fixed jevuser.php where $idsstring was undefined, it should have been $idstring
* Migrated from deprecated JButton to JToolBarButton
* Declared editStrings variable in icalrepat/view.html.php to avoid a coding notice in code editor. Has not other effect but to be cleaner.
* Fixed $value implementation within jevtimezone.php JFormFieldJevtimeZone
* Updated License to correct Joomla! Version and wording
* Migrated from deprecated JString to StringHelper
* Migrated from deprecated JArrayHelper with ArrayHelper
* Set xhtml to false on Route on the Link within the default Later Events View to avoid failing urls.
- v. 3.4.13 Set default earliest/latest years to -1/+5. Workaround for CSV imports where descriptions wrap onto many lines within a cell. Mmissing language string in search plugin, improve styling of select list of events used in several addons, only display authorised user mode when enabled.
- v. 3.4.12 Fix for unspecified sender address in new admin email config setting
- v. 3.4.11 Add support for setting a timezone when editing an event (must be enabled in the JEvents configutation first), fix onSendAdminMail plugin (was being called in the wrong sequence), remove TZID from UTC timestamp in DTSTAMP, PHP7 deprecated warnings, fix for reloadall iCals, add EVID to layout editor, layout editor setting editor to none to use JEditor instead of getEditor, add float block layout to support float layouts, float theme language strings, add option to set sender for core JEvents emails
- v. 3.4.10 Fix for setting ACL permissions in Joomla 3.5+, fix image scaling issue in JEvents 3.4.9, Implement translatable customfields, force mini-cal to not use jQuery caching, new options tab for mini-calendar for better understanding
- v. 3.4.9 Fix for saving JEvents translations and minor fix in saving events - due to Joomla 3.5.0 code changes.
- v. 3.4.8 Fix for overnight repeating events less than 1 day long (problem introducted in 3.4.5 with Brazil timezone fix), workaround for Joomla 3.4 and 3.5 differences in jInput filtering assumptions.
- v. 3.4.7 Fix for error in modal window creation in JEvents 3.4.6
- v. 3.4.6 Joomla 3.5 and PHP 7.0 compatability changes, clean up duplicate layout entries in DB on some servers, add first and last repeat columns to event list layout options, config option to hide or show repeats in event list view, add RGBA opaque background colour option, fix for translation of locations overriding locations plugin output, set grey background of fieldsets using CSS classes rather than inliine CSS.
- v. 3.4.5 fix jump to month in geraint layout. config option to disable multi-day events, allow calendar module with tooltips to link directly to speciric event instead of day list, fix for conflict event checking on some servers, enable day selection for irregular repeating events as config option, fix required to support sized images in the images addon, improved error message if event cannot be viewed on the menu item on which iw was created, fix weely repeat by day date choice when start date is changed, fix for ical ownership during creation/editing, add locations etc. to sidebar, remove mootools usage in required fields checking, support jeventd start of week in joomla date picker, cache fix for popup print page, UTF-8 iCal import fixes, fixes for clock changes impacting on repeating events with special case handling for Brazil, fix for custom module field parsing when used in prejevents position, touch start support for mini-calendars
- v. 3.4.4 add manage event icon support in list views (via layout editor), use Jevents cache script to allow us to avoid Joomla cache on dbmodel queries, fix for keyword search query (caused a problem on some repeated events when location managed was installed), cralwer menu item to use at least 100 events at a time, fix for large dataset db query in backend, fix for canonical URL for event detail page, remove some deprecated function calls, add copyright comment helper method, fix for calendar tooltips (sometimes first date looked different to the others), add support for countdown in list views, add support for allcategoryimgs to layout editor, for for enddate/time issues for multi-day events with no end time in latest events module, run custom module through content plugins (to allow support for toggling etc.)
- v. 3.4.3 correct some system messages (was using non-standard types causing problems on some templates), fix for categroy filter for some users of the filter module where not all categories were visible, remove stray libraries from package
- v. 3.4.2 problem with category restrictions in latest events module in version 3.4.1
- v. 3.4.1 Trap for missing date pickers, remove reference to mootools in filter module, use joomla grid.checkall universally
- v. 3.4.0 Stable release - fix for customised layouts with multibyte content
- v. 3.4.0 RC6 security fix for risk of SQL injection - thanks to our friends at http://labs.integrity.pt - Filipe Reis,Vitor Oliveira and Fabio Pires - for bringing it to our attention.
- v. 3.4.0 RC5 fix for multiple day selects when re-editing weekly repeating event, fix for hiding creator & hits when not using customised event detail layout, fix for pagination on lists of events view
- v. 3.4.0 RC4 fix for saving latest events module settings
- v. 3.4.0 RC3 remove more MooTools code and redundant files,
- v. 3.4.0 RC Release candidate of JEvents 3.4 that removes usage of MooTools